“A community is a self-sustaining group of individuals who share a concern for each other, will take action to actively support each other, and take the knowledge and encouragement they’ve received from their community out into the world”
I love this definition! How timely to find this, having just met Naomi inside the Mighty Hosts network, while I diligently work to build a new home for my community of creatives so I can move us off of Facebook, and having also just recently joined a synagogue.
It’s a different thing to attend an event, and to join a community and attend as a member. Something shifts inside.
Thank you for these essays! I’m hungry for this conversation!
Oh, and this: “Inside the sense of belonging that community brings, follows a set of resources, balance, and strength to do brave things in this world.” This is exactly what my vision is for my community. Thank you for articulating it so well!